We are inviting our members, past members, parents of our minis/youths/junior/senior players, our supporters and the wider Bective community to join us on the evening of Monday 10th October 2022 from 6.30pm to 9.30pm at the Clubhouse, Donnybrook.

We will be serving refreshments and food from 5.30pm until 6.30pm.

The purpose of the meeting is to get your ideas on the future of Bective Rangers Football Club and to lay the groundwork for a strategic plan for the Club.

We want to establish Bective’s strategic intent for the future and how it will implement that intent both on and off the rugby pitch.  What type of Club do we want to be going forward and what do we want to be known for in the rugby world? How do we grow and sustain rugby in Bective?  Do we want to be more embedded in the local community and play a more prominent role in that local community?  Can we get involved in women’s rugby? Do we want to be involved in other types of rugby such as tag rugby and touch rugby?  Are we getting the maximum use out of our facilities?  Do we need to improve communications?  Do we have enough volunteers? How might we improve the operations of the Club?

The meeting on 10th October will be known as the “Seeding Event” and it is the start of our journey to plan the future of Bective.

The Club has invested significant time and effort in preparing for the Seeding Event.  To ensure that we maximize the output from the Seeding Event, seventeen members of the Bective Community have generously volunteered their time and have undertaken facilitator training over the summer months.  These facilitators will assist us at the Seeding Event with gathering the ideas from the floor and the follow through after the Seeding Event, to ensure that the ideas are turned into a plan for the Future of Bective.

All attendees will have an opportunity to give their views and ideas in a small group and each group with be chaired by a trained facilitator.

We would welcome your attendance on Monday 10th October 2022, at 6.30pm. to help us with this important project.

In order to ensure that we can keep track of numbers of attendees for the seeding event, we would be grateful if you could register your attendance on the above form submission box.

Please do spread the word about this event to any of your Bective friends and ask them to register for the event.

If you have any queries or observations in advance of the event, please feel free to share them with any member of the steering group.

Jack McEvoy, Chairman of the Club  .                          M. 087 6496640 E.

David O’Donnell, President of the Club                        M. 086 2341330  E.

Michael Shalloe, Senior Vice President of the Club      M.  087 9870716 E.

Michael Flood, Immediate Past President of the Club M. 087 2206749 E.


Club Membership is OPEN


Corporate Golf Outing