Match Day Experience

As a Bective 1980’s oldie/has been who only now gets out for weddings, funerals and Bar Mitzvahs I had such a great day. Trying to explain to her indoors that I was in the company of such luminaries as the Dog, the Marshall, the Trout, Sweat, a table full of Shalloes (what’s the collective pronoun applicable there- I reckon a “murder of Shalloes” would be apt- howrya Dec!), the COO of the Union, yet another O Farrell on secondment from Trinidad, a collection of old school hookers ( Mick Corcoran, Danny Dent & Peter Mac) and numerous other reprobates it was a fantastic occasion. Not to forget Birch and his team who put on a display of never say die, 2 simultaneous yellow cards - seriously ref (?),  fight to the bitter end heroics.

For those that weren’t there let me tell you the 30-31 scoreline really was as nail biting as it sounds. It reminded me of the AIL matches of the 90’s - a manic crowd and a squad dying on their shields for the honour of the club. That, however, would be an unfair comparison in many ways for this team of the new generation. Forget your URC/H Cup clashes above in the Horse Field or down in the true home of rugby (Thomond!). What transpired today with a rabid, feral crowd (which totally exceeded the pathetic attendance afterwards for the Wesley v Maryos AIL game),  hammered home to me that Bective is indeed a sleeping giant desperately wishing to awaken and forge a new era, a new momentum, a new generation.

To see the clubhouse both before and afterward, heaving with old and new, convinces me that Birch and his squad are indeed on the road to building something special. I don’t know how you guys organised that rebirth today, both on the sideline and in the clubhouse, but whatever you guys did, you need to bottle it and drive on from here to forge the new dawn for Bective.

I, like many I assume, am delighted to be back, am proud of this new generation building their own new era. It’s their time now and by Jaysus they are making a great fist of driving Bective on - hopefully back into senior rugby and the AIL where nobody could begrudge, we rightfully belong.

Well done all. Top of the league over the Christmas break. Catch us if you can.

A great club. A special club. Full of great, honest, no frills down to earth people with a great attitude.

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.

Hon Bective. We haven’t gone away, you know. And we’re coming back.

Love this club.


Christmas Concert


Kit Swap Night