Future of Bective Update

Dear Members and Supporters of Bective,
You may recall that we had an initial Seeding Event on Monday 10th October in the Clubhouse to discuss the Future of Bective. Thank you all for your commitment, enthusiasm and positivity. It was a huge turnout that generated a number of fantastic ideas and initiatives for the future growth and development of the Club. Since then, there have been a number of meetings of the Steering Group, the Facilitators and Executive Committee to discuss the ideas and categorise them. Below is an update on the activity since the initial Seeding Event.
Oct 17th - The facilitators of the Seeding Event and the Executive Committee of the Club met to review the suggestions arising from the Seeding Event.

Nov 14th – The facilitators and Executive met to discuss the direction, Purpose and Vision for the club. Based on that meeting, these Purpose, Vision and Mission Statements were generated Click here to read draft of Bective's Purpose, Vision & Mission Statement. Please note, this is a provisional document intended to guide the working groups as they work on the themes and pillars that emerged from the Seeding Event.  The Purpose/Vision/Mission will be fine-tuned over the coming months based on your feedback.  We would welcome your thoughts so please send them to Sinead Jackman - sineadjackman@gmail.com

Nov 28th – Meeting of the steering group to finalise pillars and identify key people who offered to lead or facilitate the respective areas and agree the composition of each group. We expect that these pillars, arising from the Seeding Event, are key areas where the Club can make positive and lasting changes with the assistance of our members.
Dec 5th – Meeting of the steering group, leaders and facilitators to agree the expectations and requirements of each pillar and discuss the timelines for the project.
At the Seeding Event many of you volunteered to contribute some time to this project in specific pillars that are of interest to you.  We have categorised those areas of interest into six working groups, which are highlighted below. We have appointed leaders to manage each these working groups.
1. Rugby Ambition
2. Clubhouse and Facilities Development
3. Branding, Identity and Communications
4. Community
5. Sponsorship
6. Governance

As many of you volunteered some time at the Seeding Event, we have assigned you to working groups which we hope reflect one of the areas of interest that you indicated. The composition of the working groups can be seen by clicking on this link. If you have not volunteered yet and would like to do so, please complete the volunteer form. Click here to Volunteer. and we will try to allocate you to your preferred pillar.
In terms of next steps, the leaders of each of the working groups will be in contact with the respective volunteers to let them know the program of activity over the next three months. We aim to have made significant progress by mid-March 2023.
We thank you for your support to date and welcome any further input or offer of time.
The Steering Group 


Walk on the Wild Mountain Side


Christmas Concert