AGM Notice 2023

Dear Member,

I wish to advise that the Annual General Meeting of Bective Rangers FC will be held in the clubhouse on Wed 31 May 2023 at 6.30 p.m.


1. Minutes of AGM 31 May 2022.

2. Matters arising therefrom.

3. Honorary Secretary’s Report. A copy will be issued to members in advance.

4. Matters arising therefrom.

5. Honorary Treasurer’s Report.

6. Matters arising therefrom.

7. Director of Rugby Report.

8. Matters arising therefrom.

9. Proposed increase in Subscription Fees.

10. Clubman of the Year award.

11. Election of President.

12. Election of Senior Vice-President.

13. Election of Junior Vice-President.

14. Election of Honorary Secretary.

15. Election of Honorary Treasurer.

16. Election of six (6) members of the Executive Committee.

17. Election of Captain of First XV.

18. Proposed by the Chairman and seconded by the President that the Executive Committee be empowered to decide upon the distribution of the club’s allocation of tickets for each of the Home and Away International Rugby fixtures for the season 2023/2024.

19. Any other business.

Nominations for all elected positions and proposed motions, together with the names of the proposer and seconder must be forwarded to the undersigned at before 24 May.

Only members who have paid their subscription will be entitled of attend the AGM and vote.

J.J. O’ Reilly
Honorary Secretary


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